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Events and Online Presentation and Q&A




There is absolutely no requirement for you to have attended our fortnightly online presentation and Q&A before applying, but if you are confused about how teacher training works, do sign up - feedback from candidates suggests it has made things so much clearer for them. See below for an outline of what is covered during the presentation: 

 ‘That’s the first time that I have ever properly understood it all. Brilliant!’  

The session will be by zoom. You do not need to have Zoom downloaded on your device.  We suggest that you join the meeting ideally on a computer or laptop, rather than a phone, simply because the slides may be hard to read on a tiny screen. Please see below for the list of online sessions and how to book:



Further dates for the new year 2025! All sessions start at 4pm and finish 4:45 /  5pm


  • Tuesday 25th February
  • Tuesday 11th March
  • Wednesday 26th March
  • Tuesday 1st April
  • Wednesday 23rd April
  • Wednesday 7th May
  • Tuesday 20th May
  • Wednesday 4th June
  • Tuesday 17th June
  • Tuesday 1st July


Book to be sent the zoom link

Email Adesola Bakare specifying the date you want to join (see above). We suggest that you join the online meetings on a computer or laptop rather than a phone, simply because the slides may be hard to read on a tiny screen.  

Presentation explains:

  • the significance of different qualifications;  
  • different types of course provider and how that affects the nature of the course;
  • how the finance works on unsalaried and salaried courses;
  • getting school experience;
  • meeting the entry requirements including overseas qualifications & equivalency tests;
  • applications and references;
  • what to expect in interviews; 
  • where to find key information and how you can get one-to-one advice from us. 
  • We can advise on the best route into teaching for you.